Tuesday 11th December 2018
- Weekend Queue
- Reminder: Webinar: Isambard: tales from the world's first Arm-based supercomputer
- Reminder: ARCHER and KNL Maintenance Session: Wednesday 12th December
- Training : Upcoming ARCHER Training Opportunities
Weekend Queue
We are pleased that users are making use of the new weekend queue and wanted to remind other users of the facility.
- The queue name is "weekend" and jobs can be submitted at any time, but will only be eligible to start between 12:00 Saturday and 12:00 Monday.
- Jobs queued but not run during the weekend open hours will remain in the queue, and will be eligible to be run during a subsequent weekend.
- The weekend queue will have a maximum jobs size of 2048 nodes and 24 hours.
- Each user can have a maximum of 8 jobs in the weekend queue.
- Jobs run in the weekend queue will be charged at 0.5 x the normal rate of kAUs
We hope that users will find this new facility useful and that this will encourage greater use of the machine during the currently quieter weekend period.
Please contact the helpdesk if you have any questions or experience any issues with this.
Reminder: Isambard: tales from the world's first Arm-based supercomputer
Webinar - Wednesday 12th December 2018 15:00
James Price, University of Bristol
The Isambard Project, a GW4 Alliance initiative, has evaluated the performance of
its Arm-based processors for HPC, the first such results available for dual socket
Cavium ThunderX2 nodes. James Price will describe the results of a detailed performance
comparison between Cavium ThunderX2 Arm-based CPUs with the latest state-of-the-art Skylake x86
processors. Results focus on the HPC codes that are most heavily used on the UK's national
supercomputer, ARCHER, and show that for these kinds of workloads, ThunderX2 is competitive with
the best x86 CPUs available today but with a significant cost advantage.
Reminder: ARCHER and KNL Maintenance Session: Wednesday 12th December
The whole of the Archer service will be shutdown for maintenance from 08:00 to 20:00 on Wednesday 12th December.
This will include the ARCHER login, compute and serial nodes, and the KNL.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this essential work.
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Registration open now
- Isambard: tales from the world's first Arm-based supercomputer, Online webinar, 3pm, Wednesday 12th December 2018
- Data Carpentry, EPCC, Edinburgh, 8-9 January 2019
- Introduction to Spark for Da.ta Scientists, EPCC, Edinburgh, 10-11 Jan 2019
- Hands-on Introduction to HPC, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, 17-18 Jan 2019
Full details and registration at