Service ends on 18 February 2020 at 5pm - 19th December 2019 UKRI Announcement
Dear ARCHER users,
We would like to remind you that there are approximately 2 months remaining of the ARCHER service. This will be followed by a downtime period, before the ARCHER2 service comes online in May 2020.
The ARCHER service will end on Tuesday 18th February 2020 at 5pm.
All running jobs will stop at 5pm. For jobs run on 18th February, we expect that there will be opportunity to copy off data after 5pm, provided that this is completed by about midnight. Please copy off your data as soon as possible, as the service will not be restored after 5pm on 18 February if issues are experienced. We encourage all users to start moving their data from ARCHER now, and only move newly created data as the deadline approaches. Additionally, if everyone leaves movement of data until the last moment, you may find that transfer speeds do not allow the retrieval of all your required data. It is your responsibility to ensure that your data is moved to a safe location.
We acknowledge that some users will be able to work closer to the deadline than others, therefore you must plan your work appropriately in order to complete all work on the system and move your data in sufficient time.
Kind regards,
UK Research and Innovation.