Versions Currently Available
- 6.1.2
Default Version History
Version | Start | End |
6.1.2 | 2014-01-22 | 2014-07-22 |
----------- Module Specific Help for 'ncl/6.1.2' ------------------ NCL === NCL (NCAR Command Language) is an interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data analysis and visualisation. This NCL module includes the NCAR Graphics library. The website is NCL and the NCAR Graphics library are serial. NCL works on the login nodes, compute nodes (serial, and no X display possible), and serial nodes. To run on the compute nodes, two environment variables must be set. The /tmp directory on a compute node is a memory resident file system and its use to store temporary files could affect performance. You can create a temporary directory in your /work directory and use it by setting the TMPDIR variable for the aprun command, for example, for user 'mjf' in group 'z01' mkdir -p /work/z01/z01/mjf/tmp TMPDIR=/work/z01/z01/mjf/tmp aprun -n 1 ncl You may need to empty the temporary directory periodically. If you really want to use /tmp on the compute node, set TMPDIR to /tmp TMPDIR=/tmp aprun -n 1 ncl Set TMPDIR only when you are using NCL on the compute node: setting TMPDIR permanently can affect other programs. For example, TMPDIR is used by the Cray compiler wrappers cc, ftn, and CC; and qsub gives each job a unique TMPDIR so that these can be cleaned up after the job completes. NCL accesses the .hluresfile in your /home directory by default. This is not accessible from the compute nodes, set NCARG_USRRESFILE to a file in your /work directory, for example, for user 'mjf' in group 'z01' export NCARG_USRRESFILE=/work/z01/z01/mjf/hluresfile The hluresfile can be empty, or you can use the default provided in $NCARG_ROOT/share/hluresfile, or you can create your own. The NCAR graphics library is compiled and linked into programs using the wrapper programs ncargcc, ncargf90, and ncargf77. These do not use the standard Cray wrappers cc and ftn, but use gcc and gfortran directly. This module loads the gcc module to enable this. Note that unloading the Gnu programming environment (PrgEnv-gnu) will unload the gcc module and the NCAR Graphics wrappers will not work until you load the gcc module again. Maintained by: Mark Filipiak, EPCC