ARCHER User Guide
This guide explains how to make use of the ARCHER facility. It is designed with the needs of new users in mind, but will also be a useful reference for everyone.
The following screencast demonstrates how to access help in the ARCHER terminal once you are connected:
1. Introduction
An introduction to the ARCHER facility. This includes links to information on the hardware and software installed on the system and basic information on the use of the system.
- 1.1 Acknowledging ARCHER
- 1.2 Hardware
- 1.3 Disconnected tty/terminal processes will be terminated
- 1.4 Outgoing SSH connections will be terminated
- 1.5 bash is the only supported shell on ARCHER
2. Connecting and Transferring Data
How to access the ARCHER facilities and transfer data to and from ARCHER.
- 2.1 Interactive access
- 2.2 Non-interactive SSH access
- 2.3 Transferring data to and from ARCHER
- 2.4 Making access more convenient using the SSH configuration file
3. Resource Management
Information on using budgets (for CPU time), the ARCHER filesystems and managing your resources using the ARCHER SAFE.
- 3.1 The ARCHER administration web site (SAFE)
- 3.2 Checking your CPU-time (kAU) quota
- 3.3 ARCHER Filesystems
- 3.4 Disk quotas
- 3.5 File permissions and security
- 3.6 Sharing data with other ARCHER users
- 3.7 Sharing data between systems
- 3.8 File IO Performance Guidelines
- 3.9 Data archiving
- 3.10 Use of /tmp
- 3.11 Backup policies
4. Application Development Environment
Using the application development environment on ARCHER: using modules to control compilers and libraries, compiling and linking code, accessing debugging and performance analysis tools.
- 4.1 Information on the available modules
- 4.2 Loading, unloading and swapping modules
- 4.3 Things to watch out for
- 4.4 Compiler wrapper scripts
- 4.5 Available compiler suites
- 4.5.1 Switching compiler suites
- 4.5.2 Changing compiler versions
- 4.5.3 Useful compiler options
- 4.5.4 Cray compiler for C++ 11
- 4.5.5 Intel compiler and GCC for C++ 11
- 4.6 Using dynamic linking/libraries
- 4.7 Compiling for Postprocessing/Serial Nodes
- Switching to older/newer programming environment releases
- 4.9 Compiling in batch jobs using the ppn queue
5. Running Jobs
How to run jobs on ARCHER facilities and more information on the job submission system.
- 5.1 Using PBS Pro
- 5.2 Output from PBS jobs
- 5.3 bolt: Job submission script creation tool
- 5.4 Running Parallel Jobs
- 5.4.1 PBS Submission Options
- 5.4.2 Parallel job launcher aprun
- 5.4.3 Task affinity for "unpacked" jobs
- 5.4.4 Example: job submission script for MPI parallel job
- 5.4.5 Example: job submission script for MPI parallel job on large memory nodes
- 5.4.6 Example: job submission script for OpenMP parallel job
- 5.4.7 Example: job submission script for MPI+OpenMP (mixed mode) parallel job
- 5.4.8 Interactive Jobs
- 5.5 Array Jobs
- 5.6 Sharing Nodes with OpenMP/Threaded Jobs
- 5.7 Python Task Farm
- 5.8 Job Submission System Layouts and Limits
- 5.9 checkScript: Script validation tool
- 5.10 Setting a time limit for aprun
- 5.11 Low Priority Access
- 5.12 Long Queue Access
- 5.13 Short (debug) Queue Access
- 5.14 Reservations
- 5.15 Serial Queues
- 5.16 OOM (Out of Memory) Error Messages
6. Using Python on ARCHER
This chapter describes how to use the Python programming language on ARCHER on both the login and post-processing nodes and on the compute nodes.
- 6.1 Deciding which modules to use
- 6.2 Python for data analysis: the Anaconda distributions
- 6.3 Python for HPC: the native distributions
- 6.4 Custom environments
7. Linux Help
This chapter gives some help on using Linux on ARCHER.