Message Passing Programming with MPI
Dates: 13-15 July 2016
Location: EPCC - University of Edinburgh
Lecture Slides
Unless otherwise indicated all material is Copyright © EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, and is only made available for private study.
Wednesday 13th July
- ARCHER and the training programme
- Overview of MPI course
- Message-Passing Concepts
- Parallel Traffic Modelling
- Parallel Traffic Modelling: solution
- MPI Programs
- MPI on Morar and ARCHER (only ARCHER relevant for this course)
- Point-to-Point Communication
- Communicators, Tags and Modes
Thursday 14th July
Friday 15th July
- Case Study
- MPI Quiz - enter the Room Name HPCQUIZ
- MPI Design
Course HackPad HackPad is a live collaborative online document which we will use to share links, information and comments. All course participants are encouraged to contribute.
Exercise Material
Unless otherwise indicated all material is Copyright © EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, and is only made available for private study.
- Traffic modelling exercise sheet
- Serial solutions to the traffic model
- Instructions for logging on, compiling and running on ARCHER
- Useful files and pieces of code: MPP-templates.tar
- MPI exercise sheet
- Detailed solutions to pi calculation example
- Simple example solutions to all exercises
- Case Study exercise sheet
- Case Study source code
- Simple Case Study solution
- Code for dynamic array allocation in C
- Parallel solutions to the traffic model